  /    /  Collection, Contemporary, Furniture  /  Biografia


Dimension cm 211×51 – Furniture: Lacquered RAL
1015 Matt – Sink: Resin – Mirror: Laquered
Light: Chrome.

Simple and neat lines that elegantly recall our
history of classic company, this, to us, is the
contemporary, the thread that links the past and
the future, the solution to the enigma between
antique and modern, an idea to create charming
contrasts between styles and trends.

SKU: 22 Categories: , ,

Dimension cm 211×51 – Furniture: Lacquered RAL
1015 Matt – Sink: Resin – Mirror: Laquered
Light: Chrome.

Simple and neat lines that elegantly recall our
history of classic company, this, to us, is the
contemporary, the thread that links the past and
the future, the solution to the enigma between
antique and modern, an idea to create charming
contrasts between styles and trends.